I close my eyes and ask myself, “Why can’t I cry and where’s my smile?” There’s no answer. I scream and shout but only echoes reply. I turn my back and start walking away in despair but then a pair of fearful eyes appears. The presence felt ominous. “Who are you?” I asked. I saw a figure appear. “Don’t you recognize me? I’m you!” he replied. As he stepped out of the shadow, it became clear that he indeed was me. I saw a foul and venomous look in his eyes.
“I have the answers you seek! Your tears have dried in the heat of your own hatred; your laughter has drowned in the oceans of your loneliness. You and I are bound together in this journey along the path of pain. You have nobody and nothing to gain!”
I opened my eyes again. “Is this me? Filled with so much anger and hatred, surrounded by an aura of darkness! Is this really me?” Then a kind voice tells me, “Look deeper into your eyes. Are they really empty?”
“I have the answers you seek! Your tears have dried in the heat of your own hatred; your laughter has drowned in the oceans of your loneliness. You and I are bound together in this journey along the path of pain. You have nobody and nothing to gain!”
I opened my eyes again. “Is this me? Filled with so much anger and hatred, surrounded by an aura of darkness! Is this really me?” Then a kind voice tells me, “Look deeper into your eyes. Are they really empty?”
Now I see that they are not empty. Dreams fill those eyes. I’ve lost everything except my dreams. I’ve nothing left to lose and everything to gain. That dreadful apparition was doubt and the kind voice was faith. I’m no longer teetering on the edge of uncertainty. I’ve ascended beyond my fears and transformed into someone more formidable. I still walk alone in this lonely path of pain but I understand it gives me wisdom. I’ve embraced the curse and moved on because I know when this journey ends, I will have found all that I have lost and much more. I will rise from the ashes of defeat and grasp my destiny.
Bitter and better……..